Thursday, September 11, 2008

Somewhere in the midst of the fog, I let go of His hand...

These past couple of years have been sort of cloudy for me. My cousin is doing geneology research and the more that I am discovering about my family's history, the more I am discovering about myself. Some things are good, others...not so much. I'm particularly interested in my father's side of the family because all that I have heard is bad, evil stuff. There has got be one person who was nice. Well, there was one and fortunately, I had the opportunity to meet him face to face before he died. Everyone seems to have had a deep hatred for black people. My one remaining aunt has a photo album with old pictures of the family and she won't give it to me. My stepmom is trying to convince her to will it to me after she passes away because if her daughter gets it, she will destroy it before she lets me have it. I have an older half sister that I have never met. According to my dad, she was told that our father had died when she was a child because they didn't want her to know that he married a black woman. How stupid is that?

Anyway, the purpose of this blog subject was to say that God provided the internet for me again and now I can do the research that I need from home. I need to start writing things down so that is the main reason for the blog. I need to get my thoughts down on paper. I promise I will leave out the scary stuff. I've held it inside for way too long and I'm tired of taking medicine to help me function. God is the Great Physician, not the pharmacy. Did I find Jesus? Not exactly. I knew where He was. I just let go of His hand........

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Nasty substitute teacher

Okay. I don't usually bad mouth people on the internet but this time I'm pissed.

A few days ago, a 24 year old woman was found guilty of having sex with one of her 15 year old students. Not only did she RAPE this young man, she RAPED him in his house while his parents were away, not once but twice. Yes I said RAPE. That is the legal name for an adult having sex with a minor. What was her punishment? Five years probabation, she has to register as a sex offender, and she has to take some sort of sex offender class. She doesn't need to go to a class, she needs to be taken out behind the barn and be given a good, old fashioned beat down. Some people have said that the kid is to blame as well. I'm sure he knew better but he is 15 and was probably king of the world for a day when his buddies found out that he had sex with a teacher. She is the guilty one because she is the adult. The authoritities said that she didn't receive jail time because of the overcrowding in the jails. Bull****!!! If he had been a guy, he would have been in jail. If he were a black man or from the Middle East, He would have mysteriously disappeared. We really need to carefully consider who we vote into our local county offices this next election.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Moving on!!!

Well, I've finally decided to do it. I'm changing jobs. Don't you just hate it when you finda a job that you really like and then some people in authority start acting theirs don't stink and treat you like sweat shop workers or robots. That is what is happening at my job. I love the people I work with but I am way too ghetto to be talked down to or treated like I don't have any feelings. No one deserves to be treated that way and I am tired of it. I gots ta bouince!!!! OMG, did I really say that??? I'm too old to be talking that way... Wish me luck!!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Welcome to my brain!!!!

Hello Everyone!!!

Well I've finally done it!!! I've joined the land of bloggers. I'm excited. I want to get to know lots of people. I'm a fun loving person who speaks her mind, wheter someone wants to hear it or not. I'm not rude, just blunt. Say hello!!!!!