Saturday, July 19, 2008

Nasty substitute teacher

Okay. I don't usually bad mouth people on the internet but this time I'm pissed.

A few days ago, a 24 year old woman was found guilty of having sex with one of her 15 year old students. Not only did she RAPE this young man, she RAPED him in his house while his parents were away, not once but twice. Yes I said RAPE. That is the legal name for an adult having sex with a minor. What was her punishment? Five years probabation, she has to register as a sex offender, and she has to take some sort of sex offender class. She doesn't need to go to a class, she needs to be taken out behind the barn and be given a good, old fashioned beat down. Some people have said that the kid is to blame as well. I'm sure he knew better but he is 15 and was probably king of the world for a day when his buddies found out that he had sex with a teacher. She is the guilty one because she is the adult. The authoritities said that she didn't receive jail time because of the overcrowding in the jails. Bull****!!! If he had been a guy, he would have been in jail. If he were a black man or from the Middle East, He would have mysteriously disappeared. We really need to carefully consider who we vote into our local county offices this next election.

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